
This blog will tell you almost everything about farm animals. From chickens to horses. Animals are friends. You can't understand them too much. But they can understand you. They'll be there for you.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Baby Geese

 Baby geese love oatmeal and cracked corn. Don't feed them whole corn until they are bigger and won't choke on it. They must be kept under a heat lamp if the parents aren't there. In the summer if it's a really warm day you can let them out and let them be familliar with the outside world. Always keep fresh water for them. If turd gets in it, bacteria will form. You can use old rags/towels, newspaper, or scrap papper as padding for them. Change twice a day, in the morning and night. So it's always kept fresh. The most important thing is to make sure they gets LOTS of attention and love.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Just A Small Farm

Having 2 horses, a couple geese and 10 chickens counts as a farm right? Then why not share info about it? There's not that many animals. But their still fun AND hard work. In this blog I will tell you about chickens, geese, horses and a few other animals. So have fun exploring!